Autism BC

AutismBC empowers, supports, and connects the autism community in BC.

Who is Autism BC?

Autism BC is a grassroots organization founded in 1975 to support people on the autism spectrum and their families. Since our humble beginnings, we have grown to become one of the most trusted non-profit organizations for autism in BC. We continue to support autistic individuals by providing parents and communities with knowledge and by engaging with people on the autism spectrum to create stronger, more diverse communities.

Listening To The Autism Community

We are a small, non-profit and registered charity that encourages the inclusion and acceptance of the entire autism community. We are a tight-knit and nimble organization that values the lived experience of our team and members. We prioritize listening to our members and making decisions that reflect their needs and wants.

We have offices in the Lower Mainland, Northern BC, the Interior, and Vancouver Island; however, our programs run province-wide thanks to our hardworking network of incredible staff and volunteers. Visit us at Autismbc.

The PAFN Impact

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